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Release Notes - July 18, 2024

Minor Updates

  • API / LTI: Create New Endpoints for Claude Bedrock and Azure OpenAI
  • API / LTI: [LTI 1.3] Canvas Course Navigation doesn’t direct to the correct page (Course Page) for issuers w/ Course-Level Access
  • API / LTI: [API] Add helper URLs to *_data object in /parts/resources responses
  • Cloud: [AWS] Update deletion of AWS Comprehend from vcIdpDeleteCommon
  • Cloud: Add Azure Support to VNB (Initial Phase)
  • Cloud: AWS Lakeformation Delete fuctions
  • Cloud: AWS Keyspaces Delete Functions
  • Cloud: Network Firewall and Route Table route deletions for enhanced EC2 deletions
  • Cloud: App Runner Delete Functions
  • Cloud: AWS Augmented AI Delete Functions
  • Cloud: AWS Detective Delete functions
  • Cloud: AWSCertificateManager Delete Functions
  • Cloud: App Flow Delete Functions
  • Cloud: Macie2 Delete Functions
  • Cloud: Apache Airflow Delete Functions (Delete Environment)
  • Cloud: AWS BYO payer account: role chaining 1 hour session limit
  • Container:  [Containers] Added a button to restart containers while in “Configure Workspace”
  • Grading: Add support for force submit part to Class page
  • Infrastructure: Copy accommodations when copying assignments
  • UI/UX: Change link styling for homepage
  • UI/UX: Set default sort on homepage table to newest courses first (order by start date descending)
  • UI/UX: Support exporting course feedback as CSV
  • UI/UX: Changes for Activity Log to show more entries and change userid to email
  • UI/UX: New side navbar of the control center (Admin view)
  • UI/UX: Transition Teacher IDE to use VNB (VNAV) [container arch]
  • UI/UX: [VNB] Fixes for Exams in Grader Page

Bug Fixes

  • API / LTI: [Pentest] Server-Side Validation Missing
  • API / LTI: [Pentest] API Does Not Supply a Referrer Policy
  • API / LTI: [Pentest] Web Application Does Not Supply a Permissions Policy
  • API / LTI: [Pentest] API Application Does Not Supply a Content Security Policy
  • API / LTI: [Pentest] Server Vulnerable to Lucky13 TLS Exploit
  • API / LTI: [Pentest] Web Server Vulnerable to HTTP Host Header Attack
  • API / LTI: [VNB] more UI improvements/fixes
  • API / LTI: PUT Parts API endpoint incorrectly prevents content to be uploaded(targeted) to ‘private’, ‘scripts’, and ‘course’.
  • Cloud: Prevent cloudformations not being deleted leading to terminated labs being started without creating CFN
  • Container: [Containers] “Save Image” bug fixes & reliability improvements
  • Infrastructure: Freshdesk – log in page is broken; requires repeated log in attempts due to US/EU flavors
  • Infrastructure: [Databricks] Workspace Dashboard Changes