For Instructors: Google Colab now with auto-grading, powered by Vocareum.

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Vocareum Cyber Sandbox​

Empower Cybersecurity Learning with Real-World Simulations in Vocareum Cyber Sandbox

VMs And Cyber Range


The Vocareum Cyber Sandbox provides a robust and fully managed platform tailored for cybersecurity education and training. Equipped with diverse operating systems including Kali Linux, Windows, and Ubuntu, our cyber sandbox is designed to simulate real-world cyber threats in a secure virtual setting, allowing learners to practice and hone their skills effectively.

Key Features

Multiple Virtual Machines

Launch up to three virtual machines simultaneously for a dynamic and comprehensive training experience.

Full Budget Control

Keep your costs predictable with fully budgeted sessions, ensuring you manage your resources effectively without unexpected expenses.

Customizable VM Control

Gain complete control over virtual machine configurations from initial warm-up times to deciding whether a machine should be stopped or terminated after a session.

Seamless LMS Integration

Incorporate our platform seamlessly into your Learning Management System (LMS) using LTI 1.3 integration, enhancing the learning experience with secure access and easy management.

Trusted by 7k+ organizations and over 4m learners